Geikie is quoted to show an example of setting forth the scope and purpose of the parable of the unjust steward. This quote shed so much light upon the parable for me, that I wanted to share it here both for the reader who may happen upon it, but also for my benefit that the truth of Christ's words may burn into my heart.
The parable of Jesus is found in Luke 16:1-13. Here is Geikie's comment with regard to the scope and purpose of the parable:
"By becoming my disciples you have identified yourselves with the interest of another master than Mammon, the god of this world--whom you have hitherto served--and have before you another course and aim in life. You will be represented to your former master as no longer faithful to him, for my service is so utterly opposed to that of Mammon, that, if faithful to me, you cannot be faithful to him, and he will, in consequence, assuredly take your stewardship of this world's goods away from you--- that is, sink you in poverty, as I have often said.
I counsel you, therefore, so to use the goods of Mammon--the worldly means still at your command--that by a truly worthy distributor of them to your needy brethren---and my disciples are mostly poor--you may make friends for yourselves, who, if they die before you, will welcome you to everlasting habitations in heaven, when you pass thither, at death. Fit yourselves, by labours of love and deeds of true charity, as my followers, to become fellow citizens of the heavenly mansions with those wants you have relived while they were still in life.
If you be faithful thus, in the use of your possessions on earth, you will be deemed worthy by God to be entrusted with infinitely greater richers hereafter... Be assured that if you do not use your earthly riches faithfully for God, by dispensing them as I have told you, you will never enter my heavenly kingdom at all. You will have shown that you are servants of Mammon, and not the servants of God; for it is impossible for any man to serve two masters." -Geikie, Life of Christ, chap. liii
May the Lord by His Spirit breathe life into the words of Jesus Christ and make them to sink down into our minds and hearts, that we may rightly test ourselves to see if we be servants of Christ or Mammon. How freeing the Word of Christ is to the soul!
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