Thursday, September 16, 2010

The works of our Lord from the Gospel John

Written by my son, 10 years old..

The book of John is filled with miracles that Lord Jesus Christ did. Although I can’t tell you all of his works, no man could write such a large tale for it is written in John 21:25, and so there are also many other thing that Jesus did, the which, if they should be written everyone, even the world can’t contain the books that should be written. Amen. So let me tell you of some the great works our Almighty God.

One time Jesus went to a wedding but the church was out of wine so Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus asked and so Jesus saw some water pots and told the servants to fill them with water and give it to the wedding governor, but when the governor tasted the water it was made of wine.

Another day there was a man lying next to a pool of water who couldn’t walk, and was waiting for it to move, for it was said, that an angel would come down from heaven and stir it, and whoever was first in the water would be healed from any sickness. But instead of an angel stirring up water, Jesus came along and saw the man who couldn’t walk and immediately He knew what was the problem and said "take up thy bed and walk", and immediately he picked up his bed and walked.

One time Jesus even feed 5,000 people with 5 loafs of bread and 2 small fishes. In fact Jesus was so merciful that He suffered the wrath of the Romans laid his life down and was crucified for all sinners. Jesus was able to do all this because of the will of God, because he was the Lamb of God the son of the almighty god, because he was, and still is God.

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