Friday, April 10, 2015

The sad ignorance of the unbeliever and of Frank Bruni

This obscure, unknown blog and blog post will most likely be lost in never, never land of the internet. Nonetheless, there are some things that out to be out in view if per chance someone may happen across it.

I came across Frank Bruni's opinion piece posted on the New York Times entitled "Bigotry, the Bible, and Lesson of Indiana." It is appalling the rhetoric certain people and talking heads want to take regarding the Holy Scriptures and followers of Jesus Christ. They rally to themselves every liberal thinking person, religious or not, and flatter themselves to have accomplished something. I saw this many years again in the university with agnostic and atheistic professors who would point to this or that Christian group and say "See, they do not accept the resurrection of Christ, and yet are still Christians!" To which could be answer, "Sir, what defines Christianity?"

I think that if Christ Himself came and rebuked these men they would brand Him a bigot and seek to crucify him afresh. And so these religious freedom laws bring the subject to the minds of many Americans of an issue that has been boiling over for some time in this nation. As we Christians have watched our brothers and sisters Christ in America gladly face the loss of their livelihoods, jobs, and goods confiscated for their stand for righteousness and biblical fidelity, many of us have been emboldened and encouraged. I think of such verses as 1 Peter 3:14, "But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye..."

We are willing, if it be God's will, to not only suffer the loss of all these things for Christ's sake, but our own lives also knowing we have a better country and an everlasting inheritance given to us. Nor are we angry or bitter against those who do these things to us knowing that we also were once foolish and blind and ignorant just as they are. We walked in lived in the same flood of dissipation until the mercy and grace of God appeared to us and washed us from our transgressions, healed our blind eyes, and made us alive in Christ Jesus. Now our hearts are filled with His love and His Word is on our lips.

Frank says homosexuality and Christianity don't have to be in conflict in any church anywhere. But this is not true. This reflects such a gross and fallen understanding of Christianity that one sometimes wonders if the world is really hearing the message clearly. To refer to a Christian church is to refer to those who are born of God by His word and Spirit and who are washed and cleansed in the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who takes away the sin of the world. The Church is the Body of Christ and wife of the Lamb of God. Men ought to turn the Bible that they suppose supports their erroneous notions and there see instruction in Ephesians Chapter 5 where the Bible instructs both husbands and wives, and quotes Moses regarding a man leaving his mother and father and joining to his wife. Moreover, the apostle teaches that while he is indeed giving instructions to husbands and wives, he speaks a mystery concerning Christ and His church.

The reality is the earthly picture of the union of a man and woman is a picture of the union of Christ and His church. In the beginning God created mankind male and female, and in His own image He created them in this fashion. This is why all true Christians testify against homosexuality because it is contrary and antagonistic to the image of God. It mars and destroys the picture of the union Christ and His church. And therefore it is no wonder that in its rhetoric it is vehement and violent to the Christian.

Frank wants to extend an olive branch to the Christian who thinks Christianity is opposed to homosexuality by saying we are trapped by our tradition. If that tradition be regarded as the plain teaching and examples laid out in Holy Scriptures then we agree. Moreover we happily bound in this Scripture tradition! But this is not what he means. He attempts to set other knowledge over and above the clear teaching of the Bible and thus attempt to set aside biblical teaching for new ideas. He suggests that the continued view that all forms of homosexuality are sin is a choice. Perhaps I will agree, if that choice means that I am going to choose to stick with the Bible's teaching rather than fashionable notions of the day.

You see, we true Christians believe the Bible is the eternal Word of God written. It is true today, tomorrow, and forever. In fact, this is the very nature of truth isn't it Frank? Truth does not change. And while the advances of science and knowledge may have brought some good things, such "advances" are not advances at all if they depart from the truth. They are nothing more than lies.

To suggest to us Christians that the authors of the Bible have biases and blind spots is to call into question and accuse of error the writings left behind by them. And that is to impugn the prophets and apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. This we can never accept. Neither do we ignore biblical interpretation, but like all true Christians agree together that the Bible has one interpretation. The fact that many disagree and debate the Bible's teaching has never been a mark against the text but a testament to the blindness and sinfulness of mankind.

I am happy to look honestly at all forms of homosexuality. And what do I say or see? A sinner in need of Christ Jesus. More or less flawed? No sir. Ruined in sin. More or less dignified? No sir, a sinner through and through and worthy of wrath of God just as the rest. What can we say to these things but "Repent, and believe the Gospel."

While you may think we need to be freed from these opinions, we think you need to be freed from your sins. And surely we will be also accused of self-righteousness in saying so, but nothing could be further from the truth. We were just as you are!

To lay before me 10,000 protestants, evangelicals, and roman catholics to give aid and support to your viewpoint is to present to the true Christian 10,000 apostates who have forsaken the Lord Jesus. Religion is not going to be final holdout and most stubborn refuge for homophobia. Mankind in his sinfulness will create a religion and compromise in 10 million ways to live in and love his sin.

It will be biblical Christianity that will hold fast. It will be true Christians that hold against any acceptance of all forms of homosexuality. Let God be true, and every man a liar. To tell you, Frank Bruni, and every other person who loves and practices sin, that such things are not an offense, that such things are ok, when God's Word clearly and plainly say otherwise, would be to become again like you and love and practice a lie.

Homosexuality is a sin. Those who defiantly practice it will face severe judgment and wrath from God. Those who turn from this sin, and all their sins, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ may have mercy and forgiveness of their sins by His blood. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world...not confirms mankind into it.

Soli Deo Gloria