Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jesus, the stumbling block..

The Bible is incredible. While reading through the Old Covenant Scriptures I googled for some information and came accross a website started by a Jewish woman. I was curious to see what she had written about Jesus, the Messiah, and certainly did not expect something positive.

From her article against Christ she referenced a man by the nickname Rambam. His full name was Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, or Moses Maimonides. He was a well-known and preeminant Jewish philospher. He was born in 1135 AD and died in 1204AD. He is still held in high regard among Jews and is regarded as one of the most famous.

The Jewish woman quoted him on her website when he wrote concerning Jesus the following: "Is there a greater stumbling block than [Jesus]?"

What an amazing remark from such a learned and revered Jewish philosopher! The Apostle Paul would agree with him...but in a different light of course. haha

1 Corinthians 1:23
but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,

Christ Jesus is indeed a stumbling block to the Jew. This is also contained in the prophet Isaiah:

Isaiah 8:14; 28:16
"He will be as a sanctuary, But a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense To both the houses of Israel, As a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem." "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste."

The Apostle Paul shows the meaning of this prophecy:

Romans 9:31-33
But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

And also the Apostle Peter:

1 Peter 2:7-8
Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

What an amazing confirmation from one of the most eminant philosophers of Jewish history since the coming of Christ. He asks...is there a greater stumbling block than Jesus? God's answer? Not unto us which are obedient, but unto you who are disobedient to the Word.

Lord Jesus, may we not stumble at You or be offended by You.

**Some may have read this and wondered at the difference in the redenering of Isiah 28:16 and the way it is written in Romans 9:33. The difference lies with the Apostle Paul using the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Covenant Scriptures. On this point John Gill made a very interesting observation:

" A very learned Oriental critic of our own nation has observed, that the Arabic words "Haush" "Hish" answer to the Hebrew word, vwx, the prophet uses, and which have three significations in them, "hasten", to "fear", and be "ashamed"; the first of these is retained here by the Jewish commentators and modern versions; the second by the "Chaldee paraphrast", and Syriac translation; and the third by the Septuagint, and the apostle; and they may be all taken into sense, for he that is afraid runs about here and there, and at length is put to shame and confusion."

Arise O Lord

Much is said to decry the seemingly widespread ignorance and theological bankruptcy of Christians in America. And for certain the cry needs to be sounded, and sounded loudly. Yet, let us add to this pastoral compassion. Let's not just look at the creature and say it is in need, but give all things for healing and strengthening.

Are you stirred in your heart that the walls of Jerusalem are fallen down? Then lift up your voice to Christ Jesus and repent for thy sins and that of your fathers. Humble yourself before almighty God and then put yourself to the task. Don't stand there just looking at the broken walls and lament!

I suppose that there is in us all something of a Thomas who felt the need to put his hand to Christ body before he would believe. Are you disheartened by the unbelief and stubborn refusal of people to trust in the Lord Jesus? Then exercise yourself in the things of God and prayer and set forth plainly Christ and Him crucified. Go into the gymnasium of God's court and apply your heart to understanding and lift up your voice for wisdom. Lift the heavy weights of godliness and strain yourself in righteousness.

Press into the Lord Jesus until thy heart cries "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee." Psalm 51:12-13

Monday, July 19, 2010

Three Things to consider about choosing what Christian Church to attend

Three Things to consider about choosing what Christian Church to attend:

1. A high view of Scripture

By high view of Scripture I mean that a church/person holds a very high, reverent, and biblical opinion about the Bible. Perhaps we automatically assume that if a Church is a Christian Church, then they reverence, honor, and respect the Bible. Sadly, this is not always the case. It is important when selecting a Church to know that the leaders of the Church hold the Bible to be what the Bible says it to be. Certainly we would want the Church we attend to hold the same view and estimation of Scripture that Jesus and the Apostles did!

So, what was their view of the Bible? Looking at the words of Jesus He constantly referenced the Scriptures as often being fulfilled and that they could not be broken. He taught His disciples from them showing that both the Law and the prophets spoke of Him, charged those who heard Him with error because they did not know the Scriptures, and regarded the Scriptures as the very speaking of God. Matt 21:42; 22:29; 26:56; Luke 24:27; John 2:22; 5:39; 10:35

The Apostle's own teaching also show the Bible to be the very speaking of God, without error or mixture of human thought (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). When someone then reads or hears the Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments, they are hearing the very speaking and words of God Himself. This should cause us to approach the Bible with reverential fear and awe, recognizing that it is God who speaks to us and holds us accountable to what and how we hear.

This should be the primary concern when considering which Church to become a member of. We need to learn what that congregation's view of Scripture is and how they both reverence and obey the teaching of the Bible.

2. A high view of Jesus Christ.

If a Church is to ever go astray they go astray in two main areas: The Bible and Jesus. Churches may fall into gross error and sins by either leaving the plain teaching of Scripture or by losing their main focus on Christ Himself. The Bible specifically warns Christians of the craftiness and subtlety of Satan in corrupting the minds of people from the simplicity that is in Christ, or a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:2-4

If a Church holds a proper and high view of the Bible, then the Church will hold Christ and Him crucified at the center of all they teach and do. When Jesus explained the Scriptures to two men as they walked with Him, the Bible says that "..beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself." Luke 24:27 A Church that is following God according to the Bible will have a Christ-centered view of the Bible and church life. Jesus will be exalted and glorified in everything. True Christian churches are those in which the Holy Spirit of God dwells, and as Jesus said, "..when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me" John 15:26 and again in John 16:14 "He shall glorify me..."

We should then choose a Church that has a correct and high view of Jesus Christ.

3. A genuine fellowship and love on for another.

If a Church is truly made up of real Christians, true disciples of Jesus Christ, then they will have a true and genuine love for one another. Jesus said, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34-35 See also, John 15:12, 17.

The Apostle's of our Lord Jesus also commanded and exhorted Christians to love one another and abound in it. Romans 12:10; 13:8; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 3:12; 4:9; 1 Peter 1:22; 3:8.

Loving our brethren in Christ Jesus is the practical mark of a true Christian. The Apostle John's first epistle is about what a true Christian is and what a Christian is not. In 1 John 4:7 we learn of God, "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." And again, "No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us." 1 John 4:12

God also said by John, "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ." "If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth" 1 John 1:3,6

So then, in summary, when thinking about what Church we might join ourselves to let us be careful to see that the congregation holds a high and reverent view of Holy Scripture, a high and proper view of Jesus Christ, and that the Christians have a true and genuine love for one another. While this is not meant to be exhaustive in all things that one should consider when thinking about what Church he or she may join, these are three crucial things that must be present in any church we join ourselves to if we would be faithful to Christ Jesus and His Gospel.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The High Places..

"Howbeit the high places were not removed: the people sacrificed and burned incense still in the high places." 2 Kings 15:35

What are these high places spoken of in Scripture? From Leviticus to Numbers, throughout 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and spoken of by the prophets, the "high places" are spoken of very often in the Old Testament. The word usually translated "high places" is the Hebrew word Bamah (transliterated). Of its meaning Zodhiates (editor of the Hebrew/Greek Study Bible) writes of its meaning as "a high place which was destined for unauthorized worship." It is translated "high places" because the meaning is of a hill, or height, or some elevation.

"Pagan societies were fond of performing sacred rites on mountains and hills. They believed this was more acceptable to their gods. The Israelites began imitating the practice, not only to idols, but even offering sacrifices to God Himself," commented Zodhiates.

I have been studying through 1 and 2 Kings and noticed the saying over and over again, "But the high places were not taken away" "Howbeit the high places were not taken away" "Save that the high places were not taken away" "Nevertheless, the high places were not taken away" ! This certainly stands out in these books of the Old Covenant as they recount the reign of many kings of Israel and Judah. Some, like Ahab, are very wicked and evil kings who committed abominations against the Lord and did not walk as David did.

Others are said by God to have feared the Lord and walked in His ways...but the high places were not removed. It wasn't until Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz king of Judah, began to reign at the age of 25 that we learn, "And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to ALL that David his father did. He removed the high places, and broke the images, and cut down the groves, and broke in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan" 2 Kings 18:3-4 Hezekiah means "Jehovah is my Strength" and this king by God's grace showed great strength in the Lord.

Most Christians can see that it was wrong to make sacrifices to idols and to bow down to them, to burn incense to false gods, and to worship them. When we see this, we understand how the Israelites had forsaken the Lord in these "high places." But, as Zodhiates points out, Israel was also offering sacrifice and worship to the Lord on these "high places." As we see with Hezekiah's reformation, Israel was even burning incense to a relic, the brazen serpent that Moses made, which Hezekiah called Nehushtan, meaning "a thing of brass." What the people regarded as holy in the worship of the true God, God abhorred it, and Hezekiah called it for what it was: a piece of brass.

Considering these things I was struck with a clear application for our day and our times. As the Scripture says, "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scripture might have hope." Romans 15:4

We should be careful and take the heart of David, as Hezekiah did, in our worship of the true and living God, Jesus Christ, to do "..that which was right in the sight of the Lord..." by trusting in the Lord God of Israel and to cleave to Him and not depart from following him, but keep his commandments. We can take a warning from the acts of many of these kings of Israel who either fell into gross idolatry or else worshipped the true and Living God as the pagans worshipped their gods.

How quickly we see this taking root in the early churches as it took root in Israel so often after God had given them rest and settled them. So soon after had God given rest to His people in the early days of the churches, do we see the brethren beginning to worship and serve the true and Living God after the manner of the gentiles and pagans. They incorporated icons and images and relics into their worship and burnt incense and candles and bowed themselves down before them.

And in both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics churches the practice continues and is defended. But alas! we now see this specter and these "high places" creeping into our evangelical churches and Protestant churches under the names of emergence, contemplative spirituality, centering prayer, spirituality, labyrinths or whatever mystical name they come clothed in or pagan practice. The practice of marketing and business are governing how we order the worship of our God. We have yoga classes being offered in our churches, candles are starting to be burned in our "sanctuaries" and now I hear of not only an ecumenism with the papacy, but a trialogue with Muslims and Jews!

Remove the high places! Break down the images! Cut down the groves! Do not burn incense at the relics of stone and wood and brass. Serve the Living and True God according to His Word and commandments! Jesus said, "God is spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24

This kind of departure of the true worship of God speaks carnally and suggests that the communion with our Lord Jesus is a corporeal one and a physical one. Yet the Son of God whose Kingdom is not of this world speaks in this manner, "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63 And also our Lord said, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." John 17:17

The Father is seeking such to worship him. Let us seek the Lord and cleave to Him and His Word so that we can be such worshippers as God seeks.